The rebranding of Amsterboat, a canal boating service established in 1987, transitioning from being under The Bulldog Hotel brand to its own identity, "The Bulldog Boat by Amsterboat."

he AmsterBoat offers a unique and intimate way to explore the canals of Amsterdam, alone or with friends in luxury and fun way. The AmsterBoat offers a range of tour packages for single ticket tours or for groups up to 50 passengers. All types of boats come with a local skipper that will show you the canals of Amsterdam and all its highlights.
Project Goal
To create a distinctive and compelling brand identity for Amsterboat that reflects its unique and intimate canal exploration experience, appeals to both solo travelers and groups of up to 50 passengers, and communicates luxury and fun while highlighting the expertise of local skippers in showcasing the best of Amsterdam's canals and attractions. The branding should position Amsterboat as the premier choice for those seeking a memorable and enjoyable canal tour in Amsterdam, emphasising both individual and group packages. The goal is to establish a brand image that captures the essence of luxury, fun, and expert-guided exploration, setting Amsterboat apart in the competitive canal boating industry.
1. Navigating the transition from mixed to a stand alone brand.
2. Balancing continuity with a fresh brand identity.
3. Standing out in the competitive Amsterdam boating industry.
4. Effectively conveying luxury and fun without clichés.
5. Catering to diverse preferences of individuals and groups.
6. Thoughtful integration of local elements and skipper expertise.
7. Educating the market about the unique offerings of Amsterboat.
8. Developing a robust online presence and marketing strategy.
9. Ensuring consistency across various tour packages and touch points.
10. Establishing measurable KPIs to gauge the success and impact of the rebrand.
A comprehensive branding strategy was devised, incorporating emblem-style logos reflecting authenticity and reliability. The color palette, using red and black, aimed to convey power and command. The design seamlessly integrated local elements and showcased the canal highlights. A careful balance was struck between the individual and group appeal. Online platforms were strategically utilised for marketing, and brand guidelines were established for consistent application.
Research & Discovery
AmsterBoat, a canal boating service in Amsterdam, sought to break free from its association with The Bulldog Hotel brand and establish its unique identity as "The Bulldog Boat by AmsterBoat." The goal was to create a brand that captures the luxury and fun of its intimate canal exploration experience for both individuals and groups.
Logo Design Process
Final Visual Identity
Logo Features
Usage of visual identity
Colour Palette
Logo Experience 
Branded Boat Experience
Social Media
Coming Soon Banner
Social Media /Display Ad Banner
Event Exclusive Cover Design
Event Promotion Video Ad 
Social Media Promo Video Banner 
Event Banner for Social Media
Poster Design
Invitation Banner Design
Custom Website Design
Website First Impression!
Homepage Experience
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Ready to elevate your brand? Let's collaborate! Reach out, and let's create something extraordinary together. I'm Satish Kumar, your go-to timeless visual identity design and branding specialist. Can't wait to bring your vision to life!

Email : designfuturedigital@gmail.com

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